2024 Grantee

Fresh Approach

Fresh Approach is committed to advancing equitable food procurement by enhancing the capacity of mission-driven, BIPOC-led food hubs to connect with institutional buyers, such as schools, universities, and hospitals. Their project focuses on piloting the implementation of the Good Food Purchasing Program’s (GFPP) evaluation framework among a network of food aggregators in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. By developing transparency tools like a vendor directory and dashboard, Fresh Approach aims to simplify values-based procurement, making it easier for institutional buyers to select suppliers aligned with GFPP’s principles. This initiative will empower food hubs to secure long-term contracts, ensuring increased access to locally sourced, nutritious food for communities facing food insecurity, particularly in historically underserved areas. Through this work, Fresh Approach hopes to create a replicable model for statewide and national food procurement that supports small-scale farmers and strengthens local food systems.

A man and women smiling while holding crates of green vegetables in front of two large food distribution trucks.

Organization Profile

Many GROWING JUSTICE grantees are working with limited capacity to advance their mission-driven work. Please be mindful of this before reaching out to them, and feel free to get in touch with the GROWING JUSTICE team with any questions related to the fund.

See All 2023 & 2024 Grant Recipients

Over the past two years, GROWING JUSTICE has awarded over $8.5M in grants to 57 organizations in urban, rural and Tribal communities across the United States. Learn more about the grantees and GROWING JUSTICE grantmaking by clicking the button below.