2023 Grantee

Feed’em Freedom

Feed em Freedom Foundation is a collective of small black farmers and producers working on wealth development within the black community of Oregon. They provide access to land and shared resources as well as strategic partners and institutional contracts. With their collective selling power their organization helps to reduce food waste, a common complaint from many small scale farmers, while also serving to support sustainable systems of wealth development. The collective currently grows CSA crops for CareOregon, Legacy Emanuel Hospital free food markets and farmer markets , support from GROWING JUSTICE will help expand capacity and increase their ability to attain more large scale institutional contracts like schools, food banks and healthcare institutions.

Feed'em Freedom
Image provided by: Feed'em Freedom

Organization Profile

Many GROWING JUSTICE grantees are working with limited capacity to advance their mission-driven work. Please be mindful of this before reaching out to them, and feel free to get in touch with the GROWING JUSTICE team with any questions related to the fund.

See All 2023 & 2024 Grant Recipients

Over the past two years, GROWING JUSTICE has awarded over $8.5M in grants to 57 organizations in urban, rural and Tribal communities across the United States. Learn more about the grantees and GROWING JUSTICE grantmaking by clicking the button below.